Nuxt.js have been updated to Vue 3. Hence I decided to try it for my blog. Nuxt has module @nuxt/content to load markdown files. Let's see how it is modifiable for my purpose.
Nuxt.js have been updated to Vue 3. Hence I decided to try it for my blog. Nuxt has module @nuxt/content to load markdown files. Let's see how it is modifiable for my purpose.
I am trying to use Vue and Vite for my blog. To generate static pages I use ViteSSG. I migrated from Vue 2 with CLI and faced many problems.
There are Angular, PrimeNG, Spring Boot, JDBC, PostgreSQL
I need to save date and time from form to database and show it again.
When I build my app Vue.js CLI shows result:
File Size Gzipped
dist/js/chunk-vendors.ead599c9.js 1910.45 kb 603.09 kb
dist/js/index.4ca2cadd.js 201.02 kb 39.30 kb
dist/css/index.7cd5b102.css 39.22 kb 5.96 kb
And it says:
asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
js/chunk-vendors.ead599c9.js (1.87 MiB)
How can I make it better?
Earlier I tried to build blog with VuePress (link). And I did not like it. In this post I am trying to create static files for blog with Vue.js and prerender-spa-plugin.
I want to migrate from Blogger to static files. In this post I am investigating VuePress static site generator.
Garmin Connect may draw map for your route. This tracks may be available for other people. But your device must have GPS.
I don't want use GPS, but I like to share my tracks. I wrote programm for that. It adds GPS data of path, that I draw on map, to TCX-file. Then it is possible to upload this file to Garmin Connect.
Programm URL -
It is a jQuery plugin that creates three select boxes for one input field with date. One box is for days. One is for months. And one is for years.