Update blog to Nuxt 3

Nuxt.js have been updated to Vue 3. Hence I decided to try it for my blog. Nuxt has module @nuxt/content to load markdown files. Let's see how it is modifiable for my purpose.

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Update blog to Vue.js 3

I am trying to use Vue and Vite for my blog. To generate static pages I use ViteSSG. I migrated from Vue 2 with CLI and faced many problems.

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Reduce the size of Vue.js application

When I build my app Vue.js CLI shows result:

File                                 Size               Gzipped

dist/js/chunk-vendors.ead599c9.js    1910.45 kb         603.09 kb
dist/js/index.4ca2cadd.js            201.02 kb          39.30 kb
dist/css/index.7cd5b102.css          39.22 kb           5.96 kb

And it says:

asset size limit: The following asset(s) exceed the recommended size limit (244 KiB).
This can impact web performance.
  js/chunk-vendors.ead599c9.js (1.87 MiB)

How can I make it better?

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Creating blog with Vue.js

Earlier I tried to build blog with VuePress (link). And I did not like it. In this post I am trying to create static files for blog with Vue.js and prerender-spa-plugin.

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Creating blog with VuePress

I want to migrate from Blogger to static files. In this post I am investigating VuePress static site generator.

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